Poster Sessions

The faculty of Harvard Medical School, the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Transition Care Team, and the Boston Children’s Hospital BRIDGES Adult Transition Program are pleased to announce that the 2024 program is hosting poster sessions. These will be held and live streamed during the midday breaks on Wednesday, May 1, and Thursday, May 2. These sessions will also be recorded and will become a part of the course's video archive, so that course registrants can review the presentations for 60 days after the course ends.

These sessions are an opportunity for investigators to share their work and for all attendees to learn about cutting-edge research and innovation in transition.

We are currently planning for posters in the following categories:

  • Clinical Innovation
  • Health Policy
  • Medical Education
  • Provider Education
  • Quality Improvement
  • Research



Deadline Extended: You are now invited to submit your poster abstract for review by March 31, 2024.

If you would like to submit an abstract of your work for consideration, please email your abstract to:
[email protected], with the subject line: “Transition Course Abstract.”

Your submission should be a Microsoft Word document or a PDF using the following format:

  • Abstract Title: Centered, bold, and written in title case.
  • Author Name(s): List all authors under abstract title.
  • Background: Brief presentation of significance of the study/project.
  • Methods: Sample size and characteristics, research methods and design.
  • Results: Study findings presented.
  • Conclusion(s): Study research and clinical implications.
  • Word Limit: 300